
Build what’s Next with Datatonic + Google Cloud

We use big data to create powerful solutions.

The key to building brands, deepening competitive advantages, unlocking new operational efficiencies, and developing future strategies, is in the data.

We apply cutting-edge machine learning, data engineering, and analytics to understand what’s going on, why it's happening, and how it could be done better.

Our favourite platforms: Google Cloud Platform and Looker.

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Predicting what shoppers will buy next, and serving personalized ads that close the sale.
Creating personalized online bundle offer recommendations based on past purchase behavior.
Implementing a new data model powering analytics for a fast-growing online retailer.
Serving personalized product recommendations to shoppers in e-mail.
Developing a Customer Data Platform that powers machine learning use cases.
Telecom & Media
Helping customers to discover innovative and feasible use cases for machine learning in their business in a one-day workshop.
Telecom & Media
Analysing in real-time how millions of households watch TV
Telecom & Media
Discovering new consumer segments using machine learning based on viewing behaviour.
Telecom & Media
Metadata enrichment of hunderds of thousands of hours of video backcatalogue using machine learning
Telecom & Media
Developing chatbots to transform how one leading global media company handles complaints.
Gaming & Entertainment
Predicting the best games to recommend to users based on their past behaviours and preferences.
Gaming & Entertainment
Allowing smooth & fun gameplay for an augmented reality (AR) treasure hunt game using big data tech.
Financial Services
Uncovering irregular trading activity using anomaly detection, NLP and advanced visualisation.
Public Sector
Predicting London’s traffic jams using deep neural networks.

Discover our ML Acceleration Plan

Created with Sketch. Download DISCOVER One-day guided workshop Combine Design Thinking with our Machine Learning expertise to discover the most probably Machine Learning use cases Assess feasibility and get ready for a Proof of Concept MVP Based on a use case, we test whether machine learning can deliver on a hypothesis Get tangible results from your data in a matter of weeks in a cost-effective way. Skill up your team with the knowledge generated and benefit directly from our team’s expertise. Download DEPLOY Put a proof-of-concept in a production environment Benefit from our GCP expertise and world-class engineering resources Performant, low-latency, redundant solutions running on the world’s best public cloud infrastructure. OPTIMISE Optimize your models and continuously improve results. Gain access to the latest and greatest machine learning R&D and test them on your data. Further reduce latency and increase scale of your existing operations for maximum impact.

One day training course to help data scientists discover Machine Learning with TensorFlow

At the end of the day, put a model in production using GCP.


One-day guided workshop

Combine Design Thinking with our Machine Learning expertise to discover the most probably Machine Learning use cases

Assess feasibility and get ready for a Proof of Concept


Based on a use case, we test whether machine learning can deliver on a hypothesis

Get tangible results from your data in a matter of weeks in a cost-effective way.

Skill up your team with the knowledge generated and benefit directly from our team’s expertise.


Put a proof-of-concept in a production environment

Benefit from our GCP expertise and world-class engineering resources

Performant, low-latency, redundant solutions running on the world’s best public cloud infrastructure.


Optimize your models and continuously improve results.

Gain access to the latest and greatest machine learning R&D and test them on your data.

Further reduce latency and increase scale of your existing operations for maximum impact.

Key Google Accounts We Support

Google Cloud Platform lives at the heart of every solution we create, and our companies have worked side-by-side for over 8 years to imagine and implement groundbreaking big data and machine learning innovations across Google’s leading accounts.

In 2016 we were proudly named Google’s Service Partner of the Year, and together we continue to redefine what can be achieved with Google Cloud Platform.

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Datatonic helps ZSL to protect wildlife against poachers

Learn More

Datatonic @ Next

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We are Datatonic
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A short project showreel
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Watch the keynote about our project with ZSL to help wildlife conservation
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Create Customer Value with Google Cloud AI

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